Monday, September 21, 2009


Dear Family and Friends,

Just a note to provide feedback on what has been happening the past couple weeks.

Aromatase Inhibitor (AI): I started an AI about a month ago. These are pills taken on a daily basis designed to block the synthesis of estrogen. Some cancers respond to estrogen. Lowering the estrogen level in post-menopausal women with an AI has proven to be effective in treating breast cancer. I haven’t noticed any side effects although perhaps I’m ‘stiffer’ than normal when I go from a sitting to standing position and start walking after being sedentary for a while. I think this really started when I stopped taking estrogen once the breast cancer was diagnosed. I’ll be on an AI for at least five years possibly switching to Tamoxifen after a couple of years.

Zometa: (zoledronic acid). This is an injection that is infused in our chemotherapy suite. Essentially this is the same as the Reclast that I’ve been taking for my osteopenia the past couple years. Rather than take Reclast on a yearly basis, I’ll be taking Zometa twice a year to help fight the abnormal cells that cause bone to wear away. The infusion takes about 30 minutes and I haven't had any side effects from the Zometa so far.

Broken Wrist: My wrist is totally healed and Dr. Pochrin said I could return to all of my normal activities. I’m building up the strength in my wrist by doing the passive resistant exercises Rosa provided months ago.

Post Cancer Doctor Visits: I met with my breast surgeon, Pam Benitez, a couple of weeks ago for my first ‘follow-up visit’. All is fine and I don’t need to see her again until the first of the year when I have a scheduled mammogram. Also, I continue to see the oncologists here at the office on a regular basis (every three to six months).

  • Normal health visits like screening for colon cancer through a colonoscopy seem like a burden now that I feel like I’m still in the process of healing but I need to schedule those as well.

Book Signing Event: The book signing event at Barnes and Noble in Royal Oak went well. One could say it was ‘International’ because Martha from Windsor, Ontario attended. Martha is a breast cancer survivor who reads my blog. Thanks to everyone for attending and being a part of the day.

What else is going on?

Hair Re-Growth: I liken the rate of hair growth to watching a pot of water come to a boil – it’s taking a long, long time. Basically I can say that it took me about three months to grow enough hair to go without a wig or a cap. My eye lashes are slowly returning too (you may recall that my eye lashes fell out eight weeks after chemo).

Weight: My weight is down because I’m on a ‘diet’. Good nutrition but far less volume of food. My weight just wasn’t going down with all my good intentions. Even if I didn’t weigh myself daily (which I do) I could tell the diet was working because I’m wearing a skirt that didn’t fit just last week. Recently, I met with a patient who said my husband told her that I gained weight with chemotherapy. She was surprised to learn that as many as 40% of the women with breast cancer on chemotherapy gain weight.

Breast following radiation: I finished my last radiation treatment mid-August (so it's been about a month since my last treatment). The burned skin has healed and I have a little tan line. I still avoid a hot tub but on the whole I’m back to normal with no pain or sensitivity.

More later.

Prayers and thoughts are with you.



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