Tuesday, November 24, 2009

November 22, 2009

Dear Family and Friends,

It’s been a long time since I last posted an entry however that’s a good thing ~ I’m doing well. We’ve traveled, lectured and I’ve had the privilege of meeting with many people to discuss how to manage their cancer diagnosis and treatment.

I’m finally feeling well enough to schedule the usual body maintenance visits we all need to do annually like the dermatologist, ophthalmologist, etc. When I went to the dermatologist yesterday, I told him I felt I had aged from the chemotherapy and asked if he could help. An hour later every “aging spot” was zapped and I had four Botox (Dysport) treatments to my forehead. I left looking scabbed but feeling energized and alive. He also gave me a prescription for Latisse to get my eye lashes and eye brows back.

I’ve been exercising most days but still not the three-miles in 30 minutes that I was able to do back in January before my diagnosis and subsequent treatment. I can manage maybe two miles in 30 minutes. It’s so discouraging to me. Getting back to my normal, physical routine is just much harder than I expected.

I’ve been coloring my hair now for a couple of months however yesterday was the first day I actually had it trimmed. Not the top – just the sides. My last chemotherapy was in May, so that means a first hair cut in 5 ½ months. Linda also foiled my hair with blond highlights. Wow. I feel so “me”!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanksgiving is coming and the kids started to arrive yesterday. Anne is here from Macomb, Illinois. Marc and Dima will arrive on Monday from Iowa. I miss being the mother of youngsters but I thoroughly enjoy being the mother of young adults. It’s hard to put into words what exactly that means. I know they laugh at me (literally) when I can’t figure out an electronic gadget or my continuous struggles to set up the Wii. Yet, when they let me in their lives, I feel like we are just as connected as when they were younger and living with us. I do miss that.

I could go on and on about the Michigan economy and how it is affecting us at Cancer Care Associates. I know I’ve spoken about this in a previous entry. In short, it’s terrible. There is no way we can continue to provide the same quality care with the additional taxes the state just passed.

Enough about our problems – it’s time to be thankful for what we have.

Have a blessed Thanksgiving.
