Monday, February 23, 2009

Pathology Report Back_Good News

Dear Family and Friends,

Good news. Pathology report is verbal only but states: No signs of cancer in lymph nodes; margins on the tumor site are clear (so no more surgery is needed); size of tumor was 7mm (instead of the 8mm they thought from the core biopsy and ultrasound); and still Grade 1.

Next step: Most likely Radiation.

Thanks for the prayers.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Feeling better

Family and Friends,

I'm feeling much better. My left arm is sore. I washed my hair and blew it dry with the hair dryer - holding it up as I hair-brush dried by hair - that was a milestone. I was so sore for hours after but I felt it good that I did it. I walked on the treadmil for 30 minutes too - felt like wimp.

Most likely I'll hear tomorrow or Tuesday about the pathology report.

Dima and Marc were with me all weekend. Dima helped so much by taking off the breast bandage and bandage under the arm. It doesn't look too bad. I pray they don't have to take more tissue.

We've watched movies and basically chilled most of the weekend. The weather cooperated with many inches of snow, so no one really felt like venturing too far from home. I haven't left the house since Wednesday. Most likely I'll go to church with David and not much else today - although I do plan to go to work tomorrow.

Thanks again for all your support.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Surgery is over....

Dear Family and Friends,

Surgery is over and they did not find cancer in the sentinel node (axilla) on the quick read, so they did not do a full axillary lymph node dissection. I had the lumpectomy and sentinel node dissestion only. All the prayers must have helped.

I won't bore you with the details but it was a day-long process and I was so happy to get home by 5pm.

I couldn't sleep last night but I'm feeling fine this morning. I have pain pills but I don't think I need them.

I see the radiation oncologist in two weeks and a week later start the daily (Monday through Friday) radiation treatments for six weeks. In two weeks I also go see a medical oncologist (like David) to go over the options of chemotherapy or hormone treatments. It is still unlikely I will need chemotherapy. Most likely I'll be on a hormone-like drug for 5 to 10 years. If I didn't mention it in previous email the U of Michigan second opinion on my pathology slides indicated same diagnosis: Invasive Ductal carcinoma, Grade 1. The real story will unfold when the path report comes back on the actual lumpectomy.

I'll keep you posted. Thanks for the prayers and thoughts. Dima is staying with me over the next two days. Marc will be here over the weekend too. I have plenty of help.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Hello Family,

I'm sending this to everyone in the family that I have email addresses. I would like to get a letter out to everyone however I don't know when I'll have time, so please share this with family. Mom knows because she called me the day I found out.

I want to let you know that I have been diagnosed with breast cancer. It is a small tumor (8mm), well differentiated, and ER/PR positive. I will need to have a lumpectomy, lymph nodes checked and then follow up with six weeks of radiation treatment + hormonal treatment. I had a MRI yesterday and nothing additional showed up so I think I found the lump early.

My breast cancer isn't genetic, so there is no fear for Anne or anyone else in the family.

I'm fine and I'll write more later.


Sunday, February 8, 2009

Dear Family,

I want to let you know that yesterday I was told I have breast cancer. I found a small pea size lump in my left breast which I found about 10 days ago and a core biopsy taken on Friday indicating breast cancer. I’m going to go for additional testing and even have the pathology report re-checked at University of Michigan before undergoing any invasive surgery or treatment, however most likely the second opinion will be the same.

If it goes as it appears, I have a small cancer (for the nurses in the family: 8 mm –measured by ultrasound, well differentiated) and it can be removed with lumpectomy, followed by radiation and then hormonal treatment.

I continue to be in very good health. My weight is good, no hypertension or diabetes, my colon is polyp free (yeah) and my bones are strong (although I do take a once a year medication for them and I exercise everyday).

Yesterday when Mom called (to share that it was the anniversary of Freda’s birthday) and I told her about the breast cancer I said ‘this is the worse day of my life’, however I want to say that it wasn’t. - I've had worse – this is a crappy time that will demand David and I take time away from the family and our enjoyment in life to get the treatment. Yanni (Anna) is still beautifully pregnant. She had a baby shower yesterday and received so many wonderful gifts from her family. The baby is due March 11th and they are certainly ready now. We are planning a baby shower in April when the baby is about one-month old and we will invite everyone – not just women. Its always such a long way for most of you to visit, so don’t worry, we’ll send pictures.

I see the breast surgeon later today to create a plan of care and next steps. I’ll keep everyone informed.

