Thursday, July 16, 2009

Coming August 1st, MICNP lecture

Dear Family and Friends,

I’m going through some slides that I am using for a lecture I will be giving to a group of Nurse Practitioners soon. I’m excited to feel “normal” enough to create an hour long program. The lecture, sponsored by the Michigan Council of Nurse Practitioners, will be held on August 1st at the Westin Book Cadillac in Detroit. The conference is entitled: Mental Health Issues for Nurse Practitioners and my session will cover: Mental Health Care for Patients and Families in Medical Crisis.

It’s all about the radiation:

All is going well this week. This is probably the best week in terms of my overall health and comfort level in a long time. I’ve completed about 10 days of radiation so far. It is a hassle to run to radiation every weekday morning before heading out to work. As I mentioned previously, the procedure itself doesn’t hurt and I focus on how it will destroy any remaining abnormal cells that might be present. I’m all for that!

My friend, Dianne, has been driving me to treatment every day. It really is nice to have that kind of support. I always think I should do everything myself because, after all, why place a burden on another? That being said, someone to pick me up every morning, sit with me as I wait my turn and then drive me home afterwards is a real gift. I’ve noticed that I’m smiling more at the treatment center.

The radiation is definitely beginning to affect the treated breast. I can feel that it is fuller and sensitive. There is no “pain” and I haven’t noticed any burning signs, irritation with my clothing and so far no tissue sloughing! That’s all a huge relief.

While waiting for treatment recently I met a young woman. I don’t think she was a breast cancer patient because she didn’t wear a patient gown. She had the warmest smile and looked really cute in a scarf. I haven’t seen her in a few days and I miss seeing her in the mornings. There is comfort in connecting with the same people every day while in treatment. We (patients) treat each other like we’re the same and we’re in it together.

I had a blood count late last week (week 2). I’m so happy to say that for the first time in months – I’m “normal”. How nice to see all the numbers within the normal range and not identified in bright yellow as abnormal.

Weight Program:

As I mentioned last week, I started documenting my exercise and food consumption daily on a web site ( I was really hopeful that I would begin to lose the extra weight I have put on during treatment by documenting the food throughout the day. I don’t know –was I delusional? I’ve lost maybe a pound in 10 days and I’m quite sure that with the consumption of one quick bag of chips that loss would be history. I’m thinking that I need more exercise and of course that would mean more time to devote to it. That isn’t happening yet but I’ll keep you posted.

Thoughts and prayers are with you.



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